Australasian Tuberculosis Conference, Wellington NZ August 2018

Conference for professionals involved in all aspects of tuberculosis management: clinical care (investigation, diagnosis, treatment); occupational health; infection control; public health; policy and guideline development; immigration; laboratory science and research.
Conference themes
TB elimination in low burden countries.
The dawn of the Whole Genome Sequencing era and application to TB diagnosis and control.
TB and migration.
Drug resistance and TB - diagnosis, management, epidemiology and future projections.
TB vaccine development.
Latent tuberculosis infection testing, diagnosis and treatment.
Tuberculosis and diabetes.
Confirmed speaker
Dr Timothy Walker, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford will be speaking on application of whole genome sequencing to tuberculosis control.
Dates and venue
The Australasian Tuberculosis Conference 2018 will be held from Thursday 30 August to Friday 31 August 2018 at the Te Papa Museum, Wellington, New Zealand. The museum is within walking distance from major hotels.
Contact details
This conference is facilitated by Regional Public Health, Hutt Valley District Health Board, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
Phone: 04 570 9002 (Reception)
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